16 Feb Hendrik Veder Group delivers fully equipped ‘rigging lofts’

The safer, more sustainable alternative: through inspection and recertification, Hendrik Veder unburdens its client to efficiently reuse its lifting equipment
Hendrik Veder Group delivers fully equipped ‘rigging lofts’.
Hendrik Veder Group now supplies fuly equipped rigging lofts. These are containers filled with equipment that is inspected and certified, so that it can be used immediately. The result is a major boost in sustainability and safety in everyday operations. Hendrik Veder’s solution also includes an online platform that gives its client an up-to-the-minute overview of the status, locations and certifications of its lifting equipment.
Safer and more sustainable
Every six months, the Hendrik Veder Group collects the rigging loft from its client and replaces it with a new one. The equipment that has already been used is inspected and recertified. If a piece of equipment can no longer be used, it is recycled through Hendrik Veder Group’s recycling programme. Under that programme, lifting equipment at the end of its lifespan is recycled to make new ropes, and fibre lifting equipment is processed into raw material (such as granulate).
Lifting equipment that can be reused are recertified for a new period of use. This ensures that riggers on the job know they are working with safe, approved materials. Hendrik Veder thoroughly inspects and certifies the existing lifting equipment. This boosts sustainability by cutting down on unnecessary purchases of new equipment. By reusing its lifting equipment, the client has lowered its costs and reduced carbon emissions associated with incineration or the production of new rope.
Certificate database
Our client needed a solution to help ensure it would always have the right and certified lifting equipment available whenever required. To meet this requirement, Hendrik Veder developed a custom-made 10 foot container filled with exactly the right certified lifting equipment. Our client also uses Hendrik Veder’s Connection platform, a digital tool that monitors the locations and certification status of lifting equipment at all times.
“When it comes to lifting and rigging equipment, Hendrik Veder takes care of everything we need. We no longer have to worry about not having the right equipment on hand, or about materials being unusable or uncertified. Now we can focus even better on our core business. Our riggers on the job have everything they need right at hand, which saves a lot of time—and money. And since we can easily check our certificates online now, things run smoothly and quickly any time there’s an inspection by the Marine Warranty Surveyor”, a spokesperson says.
The photos below show the rigging loft that we previously put together for Van Oord.